
How to Know Your Dental Implants in Lawton Have Failed

These days, a lot of people choose dental implants as the right teeth replacement option for them. This popularity of dental implants has to do with their ability to prevent jawbone loss and mimic the look and function of natural teeth. Dental implants have a high success rate in patients who have sufficient bone density at the implant site. But some risks are still involved, and an implant dentist in Lawton can walk you through these.

There are some reasons dental implants can fail. So, if you are considering teeth implants, you must remember that oral hygiene, pre-existing health conditions, and some medications can impact your implants’ success. 

What to Expect from Dental Implants

Dental implants can be made of ceramic or titanium. These prosthetic devices are meant to replace your teeth roots. They are surgically inserted into your jaw, where they are allowed to fuse to the jawbone for several months.

After the fusion and healing of your implants, dental crowns can be attached to them. Dental implants stimulate jawbone growth and facial muscles. With proper care and the absence of complications, implants can last a lifetime.

How Dental Implant Failure Can Occur

Dental implants can fail due to factors such as smoking, gum disease, teeth grinding or clenching, osteoporosis, medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, and some medications. An implant dentist will talk to you about your medical history to determine if dental implants are right for you. 

Signs of Implant Failure

Understanding the signs of implant failure is important, so you can visit your dentist immediately to have your situation evaluated. These signs include the following:

  • Tooth pain. In general, you may experience some discomfort a few days after your treatment as part of the healing process. But if the pain persists long after the procedure, this might mean the implants are failing. In this case, you must visit your dentist as soon as possible. Early treatment allows for successful implant repair.
  • Gum inflammation. Mild swelling after the implant procedure is usual. However, your gums should not be red and inflamed. Otherwise, there may be treatment complications.  
  • Difficulty chewing. Dental implants are designed to restore your smile’s appearance and function. After they have healed, they should feel like your real teeth. But if you experience pain when you bite down or chew food, this could mean the implants have failed. You cannot deal with the issue itself, so you must see your dentist as soon as possible.