
What You Should Know About Pregnancy-Related Back Pains

Back pain is a common condition experienced by most women during pregnancy. As your belly grows, your muscles and spine bear the extra weight, which causes back pain. Even after childbirth, you might experience back pain symptoms for a while as your body regains its normal shape. Fortunately, you can manage and prevent pregnancy back pains through various home-care tips, as your doctor recommends. If your symptoms become severe, do not hesitate to contact a San Antonio back pain specialist for a safe treatment option. Learn more about pregnancy back aches, their causes, and how to manage them.

What Causes Back Pain During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your body prepares for childbirth by producing the relaxin hormone, which is responsible for loosening the ligaments throughout your body. As a result, you become less stable and prone to back pains or injuries. 

Also, as your pregnancy progresses toward the second and third trimesters, your uterus expands, causing several muscle separations contributing to back aches. Other factors that might lead to back pains during pregnancy include weight gain, uncomfortable postural changes, stress, and hormonal changes. 

How Can You Treat Back Pain During Pregnancy?

You are more likely to get relief from pregnancy back pains if you were not previously suffering from chronic pain. However, there are several ways you can treat backaches during pregnancy, such as exercising, using hot and cold therapy, stretching, and making frequent postural changes. 

You can also wear a maternity belt to support your back and abdomen. Also, prenatal massages can relieve back pain and improve the range of motion. Ensure you also sleep by lying on your side with a supportive pillow between your legs. Wearing flat shoes during pregnancy can also help distribute the excess weight causing back aches.

How Can You Prevent Pregnancy Back Aches?

You can avoid backaches during pregnancy by bending your knees when picking or lifting something. When walking or turning, you should move your feet to avoid twisting your spine and having muscle strains. If you need to carry heavy objects, try to balance their weights while walking. 

You should also avoid bending your back while sitting and ensure you have maternity pillows to support you. Joining support groups and attending individual back care classes can also help you manage your back aches symptoms. Also, ensure to use a mattress that supports your back correctly. If it has depressions, you can make it firmer by putting a piece of hardboard under it.

When Should You Seek Immediate Care?

Most Pregnancy back pains usually resolve on their own after childbirth. However, if you have severe pain or one that lasts more than two weeks, visit your obstetrician or any other healthcare physician. Intermittent back pain accompanied by painful cramps should also be a cause for concern during pregnancy.

Other medical care symptoms include back pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding, irregular foul vaginal discharge, fever, and pain when urinating. 

Discuss the safest treatment option with your healthcare provider for any unusual back pain symptoms. Also, before taking pain relief medications, supplements, and other neuropathic treatments during pregnancy, talk to your healthcare provider for clarification.

Pregnancy-related backaches are common and manageable. However, if you experience pain that affects your health and daily life, contact some of the best back-pain specialists at Castle Hills Family Practice to get treatment. You will receive proper and delicate care depending on the stage of your pregnancy and the severity of your symptoms. Call today during operating hours or visit the nearest office to get your needed help.