Many individuals know the benefits and process of blood donation; however, few know the significance of plasma donation. Plasma is the pale, yellow component of blood. Plasma, comprised of water, proteins, and salts, makes up over 50% of blood. Plasma is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure, blood volume, and pH balance. Without plasma, our bodies would be deprived of many proteins required to promote blood coagulation and immune system responses. Furthermore, plasma transports many of the electrolytes that our muscles need to operate correctly and support our daily activities. If you want to make a difference, consider participating in a plasma donation san diego, to help needy patients.
What Is the Purpose of Plasma Donations?
Blood plasma donations are utilized for significantly different purposes than regular blood donations. Individuals who have suffered a severe accident, burn, or shock, children or adults with cancer, and patients with liver or clotting factor abnormalities are the most common recipients of plasma donations. Plasma donations can be frozen and preserved for up to a year. Every day, almost 10,000 units of plasma are required in the United States. Plasma transfusions are frequently lifesaving.
Who Benefits From Plasma Donations?
Individuals who suffer a severe trauma, burn, or shock frequently lose a considerable amount of blood volume and become deficient in numerous essential electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that aid in the balance of water, nutrients, and pH levels within the body. In this situation, a plasma transfusion can deliver the lifesaving blood volume required to restore their volume status and blood pressure, as well as electrolyte balances.
Furthermore, patients with liver illness or clotting factor deficits may lack the necessary chemicals in their blood to allow it to clot normally. These clotting factors guarantee that an individual does not lose too much blood after a cut or an injury. Plasma donations ensure that these people can receive a plasma transfusion to boost their bodies’ clotting capabilities and prevent excessive bleeding. Finally, adults and children with cancer may develop difficulties when their bodies have exhausted all of their natural clotting factors. Transfusions of fresh frozen plasma may be necessary in situations with this condition, known as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
What Is the Plasma Donation Procedure?
There are a few distinctions between regular plasma donation and blood donation, although the process is only a few minutes longer. During a regular blood donation, blood is drawn from the patient and transported to a laboratory, where it is separated into its constituent parts, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma, for separate transfusion. This is where most of the plasma given to patients comes from.
Blood is extracted from the donor’s arm and processed by automated equipment that separates the plasma portion of the blood during a plasma donation. The remaining platelets and red blood cells are then returned to the donor’s arm along with a tiny amount of saline to keep the overall volume constant. This happens while the donor is in the donation chair, allowing them to provide more plasma than they would during a traditional blood donation. The procedure itself is safe. Ultimately, the process is similar to a standard blood donation appointment.
Plasma donation is a vital lifeline for countless patients in need. Consider becoming a plasma donor today by participating in a plasma donation san diego. You can join the ranks of those who make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.